user authentication

By TechTarget Contributor

What is user authentication?

User authentication verifies the identity of a user attempting to gain access to a network or computing resource by authorizing a human-to-machine transfer of credentials during interactions on a network to confirm a user's authenticity. The term contrasts with machine authentication, which is an automated authentication method that does not require user input.

Authentication helps ensure only authorized users can gain access to a system by preventing unauthorized users from gaining access and potentially damaging systems, stealing information or causing other problems. Almost all human-to-computer interactions -- other than guest and automatically logged-in accounts -- perform a user authentication. It authorizes access on both wired and wireless networks to enable access to networked and internet-connected systems and resources.

A straightforward process, user authentication consists of three tasks:

  1. Identification. Users have to prove who they are.
  2. Authentication. Users have to prove they are who they say they are.
  3. Authorization. Users have to prove they're allowed to do what they are trying to do.

User authentication can be as simple as requiring a user to type a unique identifier, such as a user ID, along with a password to access a system. It can also be more complex, however -- for example, requiring a user to provide information about physical objects or the environment or even take actions, such as placing a finger on a fingerprint reader.

User authentication methods

The main factors used in user authentication include the following:

Other factors include location and time factors, which are typically used together or in conjunction with another authentication factor:

Single-factor authentication vs. multifactor authentication

Single-factor authentication (SFA) requires verification of one piece of information from a user, such as a password. Because SFA commonly employs knowledge factors, which require only a single piece of information, it can't stop an attacker who has stolen a user's password from accessing a user's system.

Multifactor authentication (MFA) uses more than one method of authentication to verify the identity of a user. For example, a user may be required to provide a password in combination with a security question. Two-factor authentication (2FA) uses factors from two of the authentication categories, while four-factor authentication (4FA) uses at least one factor from four categories of factors. The latter is considered far more secure due to the additional layers of security that come with more factors.

User authentication limitations and improvements

A number of issues affect the security of an authentication system. In addition to the number of factors involved, the specific technologies used and the manner in which they are implemented affect reliability. Well-designed and appropriately enforced implementation rules can help ensure the security of user authentication.

For example, passwords -- among the most vulnerable methods of authentication -- are relatively insecure because hackers can typically easily guess and crack them. To alleviate the problem, several industries and organizations have implemented strong password standards, which insist users create passwords that meet minimum length and other requirements, such as including at least one number and letter plus a symbol.

The ubiquity of mobile devices and cloud computing today has greatly affected how enterprises implement authentication. In the past, a simple password authentication system was sufficient to keep networks secure. However, increased risk of data breaches has made companies reevaluate their authentication strategies. Modern authentication processes should involve more than a single factor in order to ensure the highest level of security.

While MFA provides added layers of security for confirming a user's identity, it is also important not to overburden users with difficult authentication routines, which can lead to noncompliance that undermines the purpose of the authentication system in the first place. For instance, MFA with automatic processes can enhance security, while minimizing the effort required by the user.

MFA is especially important for organizations that offer cloud-based services, as the cloud itself provides secondary authentication if a user has a password breach.

15 Apr 2021

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